May 2024 favorites

May 2024

The May stories ordered solely by my personal tastes.

  1. ‘This Is Salvaged’ by Vauhini Vara
  2. ‘Making Friends’ by Joy Williams
  3. ‘Martha, Martha’ by Zadie Smith
  4. ‘The New Englander’ by Sherwood Anderson
  5. ‘A Penny Short’ by Pete Hsu
  6. ‘The Choc-Ice Woman’ by Mary Costello
  7. ‘Coyotes’ by Andrew Porter
  8. ‘Admirals’ by Michael Chabon
  9. ‘Control Negro’ by Jocelyn Nicole Johnson
  10. ‘The Colonel’s Daughter’ by Robert Coover
  11. ‘Julia’ by Ada Zhang
  12. ‘An Actor Prepares’ by Donald Antrim
  13. ‘Comfort’ by Jamel Brinkley
  14. ‘Bad Behavior’ by Alexia Arthurs
  15. ‘What Feminism Is’ by Louise Nealon
  16. ‘Keats At Twenty-Four’ by Caleb Crain
  17. ‘You Are Not Alone’ by Vauhini Vara
  18. ‘Foster’ by Bryan Washington
  19. ‘Annunciation’ by Clare Sestanovich
  20. ‘Alvin The Typesetter’ by Lydia Davis
  21. ‘Bayonne’ by John Cheever
  22. ‘William Wei’ by Amie Barrodale
  23. ‘Thataway’ by Thomas McGuane
  24. ‘Tickets, Please!’ by D.H. Lawrence
  25. ‘Referent’ by Ray Bradbury
  26. ‘The Body’s Defenses Against Itself’ by Nafissa Thompson-Spires
  27. ‘The Ends’ by Peter Ho Davies
  28. ‘The Treasure In The Forest’ by H.G. Wells
  29. ‘Five Weddings’ by Kevin Maloney
  30. ‘The Breaking Up Of The Winships’ by James Thurber
  31. ‘What Stumped The Blue-Jays’ by Mark Twain

As always, join the conversation in the comments section below, on SSMT Facebook or on Twitter @ShortStoryMT.

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April 2022 favorites

April 2022

The April stories ordered solely on my personal tastes.

  1. ‘Roses, Rhododendron’ by Alice Adams
  2. ‘Warm River’ by Erskine Caldwell
  3. ‘What Have You Done?’ by Ben Marcus
  4. ‘A Story In Almost Classical Mode’ by Harold Brodkey
  5. ‘Back Then’ by Mary Grimm
  6. ‘Waugh’ by Bryan Washington
  7. ‘Car Crash While Hitchhiking’ by Denis Johnson
  8. ‘Thrift Store Coats’ by Brooks Rexroat
  9. ‘The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky’ by Stephen Crane
  10. ‘Maggie Of The Green Bottles’ by Toni Cade Bambara
  11. ‘The Landlord’ by Wells Tower
  12. ‘Heathen’ by Mike Wilson
  13. ‘Donna’ by Michaella Thornton
  14. ‘The Princess And The Puma’ by O. Henry
  15. ‘The Day The Dam Broke’ by James Thurber
  16. ‘The Texas Principessa’ by William Goyen

As always, join the conversation in the comments section below, on SSMT Facebook or on Twitter @ShortStoryMT.

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