‘Do Stay, Giraffe’ by Wolfgang Borchert

Borchert, Wolfgang 1947

Do Stay, Giraffe by Wolfgang Borchert, 1947

The magic trick:

Creating a mood through vague action and vivid descriptions

This is as much a poem as story. We never really get context. Heck, we never really even get a handle on specific action. What is happening here? I’m not totally sure. But I like the mood. It’s very lyrical, very impressionistic. And that’s quite a trick on Borchert’s part.

The selection:

And then from the distance: near, fat, great cry. Fish-cry, bat’s cry, dungbeetle’s cry. The never-heard animal cry of the locomotive. Did the train sway on its tracks, full of fear from that cry? New, never-known yellow-green cry beneath faded constellations. Did that cry make the stars shiver?

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